brother brother n. (pl. ~s, brethren) 兄弟; 同胞. 【動詞+】 She cherishes her little brother. 弟をかわいがる I have no brother(s) or sister(s). 私には兄弟姉妹がいない love one's brother 兄弟を愛する. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a
big brother {名} : 偉大な兄弟、ビッグ?ブラザー◆「兄貴」という意味。ジョージ?オーウェルの「1984年」から。"Big Brother is watching." とは、政府や有力者がすべての人々を監視している」という意味。◆From George Orwell's novel "1984". "Big Brother is watching" has come to mean that the g
what would you know about promises , blood brother ? 約束って何だ 血の兄弟?
what would you know about promises , blood brother ? 約束って何だ 血の兄弟?
is my blood brother old shatterhand ? 俺の兄弟分はオールド・シャッターハンドだろ?
town mayor: kazumi nonaka (younger blood brother of hiromu nonaka ) 町長 野中一二三(野中広務の実弟)
this is my blood brother これは私の血を分けた兄弟だ
he took over shoren-in monzeki (head priest of shoren-in temple ) from his blood brother , cloistered imperial prince jido (1282 - 1342 ), and resided in juraku-in . 実兄の慈道法親王(1282年-1342年)の後を受けて青蓮院門跡を継ぎ、十楽院に住した。
confucianist sorai ogyu , the blood brother of ogyu was influenced by his younger brother and also authored a book ' minritsu kokujikai ' (the ming code , with japanese explication ). 荻生の実兄である儒学者荻生徂徠も弟の影響を受けて「明律国字解」という本を著した。
while there is a theory that hajime saito and goro fujita were two distinct persons , currently the " different person story " is denied due to the findings that goro fujita had signed invoices of government pension for his older blood brother , hiroaki yamaguchi , as his relative and that the writing of the ' fujita family ' s notes ' belonging to goro fujita ' s offspring started in the first year he identified himself as hajime saito . 斎藤一と藤田五郎は別人であるとする説もあるが、実兄である山口廣明の恩給請求書に藤田五郎が親戚として署名していること、藤田五郎の子孫が所蔵する「藤田家文書」が斎藤一を名乗った時期から書きはじめられていることなどから、現在では別人説は否定されている。
also , on september 23 , around the time of his move , those who seemed to be close friends of yoshihisa , such as yasutoshi shoda , a ometsuke , (the man who said that naganori asano was a criminal and made him commit hara-kiri in the garden ), and fuyushige tojo (yoshihisa ' s younger blood brother ), shoinhanshi (the shogun ' s bodyguard or the castle guard ), were relieved of their posts because ' they were not doing well ' and they were made kobushin (samurai without official appointments who received small salaries ). また、この屋敷替えに合わせるように、8月21日、大目付の庄田安利(浅野長矩は罪人であるとして庭先で切腹させた人物)・高家肝煎の大友義孝(吉良義央腹心の部下)・書院番士の東条冬重(義央の実弟)など、義央に近いと見られた人物が「勤めがよくない」として罷免されて小普請編入となっている。
a male sworn (usually by a ceremony involving the mingling of blood) to treat another as his brother
a male with the same parents as someone else; "my brother still lives with our parents" Synonyms: brother,